February 25, 2006

Outlaws INC

A Family Photo of OUTLAWs INC

Outlaw Brudder Outhood

From L - R

; Boogee ; Young ; Yvonne ; Yours truly

Back Row
From L - R

Pensive Tabby ; Paikia ; Darkelfin ; Fey

PS: these arses are all anal-lonomous ones.. cannot give out their blog addresses..

These guys are some of the best pals one could ever find from online forums.. hahaha.. u read it rite.. we were all avid lurkers readers of a particular forum.. we often cross swords in the forums with witty and sometimes coarse languages.. we soon met up for some hedonistic fun.. and we all kinda bonded at our first meeting.. and soon things were pretty much settled in with Darkelfin acting as our undisputed Leader.. and Young as our undisputed OKT.. Fey, Paikia & n2s are our resident hunks.. PT's our second dai lou.. Membership into Outlaws Inc is temporarily closed..

PS: this is done by ex-outlaw, TK.. He kena outlawed by Outlaws INC

Everyone of them are nice pple really.. and in my opinion, we would make great buddies for the next few years to come..

Here is to mroe GR8 years ahead guys !!!
Cherri Puke

PS: whoever tink needs to write more stuff abt Outlaws Inc .. kindly leave a comment here or write sumtin abt the outlaws in ur blog and gmail me lah...


Anonymous said...

clap clap clap...

Anonymous said...

heh heh, so flattering.. :)

I wrote in my blog leow lor! :D

Anonymous said...

awww.....sobz sobz...

Anonymous said...

Orh Kui Tao la mai geh siao! How can you not know!


Anonymous said...

goodness.. what is that?

JesuaFreak said...

wat is wat ?? the puke ?? is red coz young is dying...