May 3, 2006

Wah lau I was invited to be a polling agent this saturday for Chiam See tong leh.. Hee~.. my fren lah.. he's involved in the SDA field he roped me in to help him.. actually i ish give his gf face to help only.. otherwise.. Wah lau still can say coz i stay in Potong Pasir mah... BTH

I am not say no heart or wat lah.. but i am apathetic towards Singapore Politics lor... i mean i wouldnt even want to go into details on why.. so dun even get me started lor..

Recently the red-hot issue is about elections.. And when elections come tomind, Potong Pasir & Opposition seems to go handf in hand with SG minds.. well..cant blame them for the words association afterall we've been opposition voting singaporeans for the past 20 years or so.. Well.. as for me.. my vote goes to.. eh..for a moment, i forgot blogging abt elections is a no-no.. so i cant reveal my vote.. hahahaha

Talking abt the lift upgrading.. i tink it is pretty pointless for those who know my flat's position lor... so cham rite.. so i totally no chance to pay the 17% of the LEP and let the Govt pay the other 83% for me... so sad rite.. and furthermore if the opposition wins, they wont be able to use my tax money to upgrade the local facillities w/o gg thru the CCC chairman who happens to be the one who has lesser votes in the election although appears to be the winner(at least to me)... evcen sadder... sigh.. how bad can it be stayin in Potong Pasir...

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