June 4, 2006

Today's a slack day in office... Symantec servers are down.. Hence nothing to do..

So spent the day visitng blogs, updating my world cup analysis, then had a long lunch.. now is to blog.. hahaha.. quite alot of happenings lately lor.. but seems like more is to come.. abit vague.. Hope everything will turn out great nonetheless..

i saw this quote today
Ernest Hemingway - "Courage is grace under pressure."

Alot of thots come flooding to my mind as i see it again..

His grace is great enough to meet the greatest things in Life;
-- the crashing waves that overwhelm us daily,
-- the roaring winds that leave us stunned and breathless each time,
-- the sudden storms that raged beyond our control.

His grace is great enough to meet the smallest things in Life;
-- the tiny insy pin-prick troubles that annoys us,
-- the niggly worries, constant buzzing and persistant,
-- the squeaking wheels that grate upon our joy.


On a separate note, one of my prayers recently was on grace.

I asked God. Wat is Grace

And He said, “All that happens.”

Then He added, when I looked perplexed,
“Could not lovers say that every moment in their Beloved’s arms is grace?"

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