July 19, 2006

The Five Love Languages ; What is mine ?

My primary love languages are probably
Acts of Service
and Quality Time.

Complete set of results

Acts of Service: 9
Quality Time: 9
Words of Affirmation: 8
Receiving Gifts: 2
Physical Touch: 2


Unhappiness in relationships, according to Dr. Gary Chapman, is often due to the fact that we speak different love languages. Sometimes we don't understand our partner's requirements, or even our own. We all have a "love tank" that needs to be filled in order for us to express love to others, but there are different means by which our tank can be filled, and there are different ways that we can express love to others.


I personally tink that this is quite accurate... as I am more of a cards & letter(not e-cards nor email k) person.. i would normally like to receive cards, letters & cash.. hahaha...

That is probaly why i blog too.. to record down my joys & pain.. Mostly pain i guess.. but this si life.. without pain, how to grow up, look back and say "I've experienced Life".. But of coz, many of us would rather to go thru a mundane, pain-less life... Even i long for that... but u know.. Fate or Whoever's up there, generally liek to spice things up alittle.. haha.. afterall, its written that "We are but created for thy pleasure.. "

If you've enjoyed readin my blog, go on.. read all about my mundane life with nothing to give...

If you've not enjoyed, Thank you.. coz u r like me.. largely disatisfied with the way things are now.. But however it is none of ur business how i write my blog.. so buzz off.. ahhahahaha...

PS: Tink blogger is gg crazy under the mountain of work piled in front of him...

I MUST CONCLUDE... happiness is but the state of a mind...


The Quiz