July 14, 2006

Reflections... been awhile since i sat down and start tinkin and evaluatin myself all over...

It's been a tiring journey thus far.. Realised that wat it means by when u fall, it hurts.. and it especially hurtz damn bad lor..

am i a cynic ?
am i empathetic enuff ?
am i lost ?

The many many questions that remain in my heart...

Few days back, I was talkin to an old fren.. aka ???.. She say my english is not good.. i was pretty much taken aback.. i mean if mine was nto good, look at the atrocious ones ard you sia... or is it true that i have rested on my laurels and never honed my language capabilities... i dunno.. i just felt so wronged at that poitn in time.. is it pride ? i dunno... is it i felt unjustified for my personal flair... hahahaha

i dunno.. Nowsadays alot of things i seem to answer with a simple i dunno... Yt is it as simple as i dunno.. or is there more to it.. In all truth, I dunno.. i really dun...

Guess this juz made me another confused individual breathing and using space on this face of earth...

Today , feelings of loneliness and strangness engulf me...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your English quite good what
