September 25, 2006

Depressing.. and a funny incident..

Work is boring.... Repeat 10x

no no no.. make it a thousand times...


Hokay.. blog abt less depressing stuff.. on sunday nite while having dinner cum kopi with my musicians.. i realised sumtin.. i remembered the girl's name sala..Hahahah... her name is actually sandy.. but i keep calling her as mabel.. so thru out the entire conversation with her.. i went like Mabel this; Mabel That.. hahahaha.. totally hilarious.. This is my Msn conversation with Shan...

Shan eh, no mabel la
Shan sala person la
Me sala leh... realli sala.. its Sandy Choo nt mabel
Shan sandy choo ?? not mabel ahhh
Shan hahahahahha
Me remebered wrong name issit
Shan Wah lao!!!!!
Shan Mabel and sandy v diffeent leh!!!!
Shan that one I know la!!!
Me haha
Me look on the bright side
Shan say wrong name still say heng
Me then wun reveal too much mah
Shan hahah y?
Shan wah lao... liek tt wait fenny go and "tam tiah" wrong one
Shan scully it's mabel lee!!
Me hahahahaa .. **drops dead** ..

Hahahaa... sibei funny lor..

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