October 30, 2006

The intarwebs were recently spunned out of portions by 3 persons. A certain commoner working peasant and a certain elite aka daughter of a MP and a MP.

it spawned off a series fo stuff all over the web. Heck, they were even the top search in technorati for a few days.

Of all the spin offs, i find this the most intersting and worth mentioning.






hahahaha... farni rite.. All kudos & credits to Polygons.com

Lastly to quote her again.. in case i get sued.. for watever the phuck...

Any resemblance to elites living or dead is purely accidental and unintentional.

Well afte rthe series of cartoons, u might ask.. so JF, watz ur take on this..

Here's my 2cents worth... obviously this is not an equal world, and there will always be someone out there so brilliant, that they actually will stand head and shoulders above everyone else...even me. They don’t even have to beat their chest because people already know these are the true smarty pants.. or some call elites.

Now the problem here is that.. some pple dun wanna wait for pple to call thme an elite.. they start callign themselves one.. How u might ask.. these pple start thinking they are elite just because they’ve made it to certain schools or did really well in some tests or simply coz they are from em1/special/gep/watever.

If they scored like 10 A1s or something, how does that set them apart as elite. Is having academic excellence makes an elite elite ?

Nayyy.. i tink they are juz smarter than ur average alvin.. why? coz they study abit harder or the questions they spotted all came out lor...

So what sets an elite apart?

Seriously i also dunno.. But wat i know is ... studying in a good skool and scoring a bunch of As and winnign a few medals for ur skool makes you nothing special. definitely not an elite.

Its just the beginning of your journey of life and what you do with your life and how you spend it to make the world around you a better place determines if you’re truly elite.

Last thing for u to ponder about..

Do you make the world a better place or do you only make your own world a better place?

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