October 1, 2006

This is an emo post.. so dun read if u r easily affected.. and this is my emo side lah.. dun come and kar chiao.. and seriously dun red if u tink after reading will affect ur view of me as suave, cool and watever else.. lolx

I warned you.. Dun read...

There's actually nothing in this post lah...


Well this was blogged 2 weeks back .. it was about someone who left me.. or i left her.. or.. or.. watever...

I received a surprise call on sunday nite last week.. it totallly wrecked my week..

It was her...

Haven talked to her in for a long long while..2 Long years to be exact.. Not seen her for 2 years & not counting ; Not heard her voice for 2 years at all to be exact... And when i least expect it.. it hit.. it hit really hard..

She called to invite me to her ROM..

OMG.. u mean u r tryin to be friends now.. WTF..

She sounded great and chirpy but damn distant.. so I decided to cut the chase and get to the point I told her a curt and firm 'No'
(ED: Yaaay.. I did it.. I managed to turn her down.. Yipee)

She said it's matter of perspective and i just got too heavily involved emotionally that time and now obviously she moved on.

(ED:I was like WTF.. Sacarsm @ your potential ang bao giver..seems like she is more intent on driving more hurt in than receiving my ang bao.. that biatch)

Wat do u mean too involved.. if u love someone , dun u give 101% of ur entire being to her.. maybe not others, but i would. Really..

Maybe she found sumone much more caring and understanding than me..
Maybe he's much more good looking..
Maybe he's the sensitive new age guy with metro looks and hunkish bod to match..
The more maybe-s i come up with, the more loser i feel..
Seriously.. There has to be a stop somewhere..

I juz said bye and hung up the fone.. An sms streamed in.. it was her again..

I just deleted w/o looking..

Will i regret

Maybe I’m just plain dumb and stoopid

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