December 29, 2006

How many times have you look at a friend and went, "Why is he/she like that siahh?"

Look at them with sheer disgust. Mock at them & hate their audacity. Throw sarcasm & possibly some odd vulgarity.

But is that really it ?!?!?!?!

First of all, there are gals who expect other people(Both guys & gals) to pay for them every single time they go out. If you are out with a guy and the guy is willing to pay, fine. this is called Gentleman. But dun take it as a means to turn him into a Roberto ala Duckhawk(ED: I cant resist not making this comment)

I mean if the guy is willing to wine and dine you , it doesnt mean that he has to pay for your shopping as well.. You mena he has to pay for your entire month's grocery too.. you gotta be kidding...

There are some guys who are out to take other guys for a ride too (ED: Nope.. i dun mean ghey bhoyz here like that Alvin Character we all know.. scumbag!!!) They go out and dine together.. then exclaim.. sorry dudes & dudettes, i'm lwo on cash.. dead broke.. thanks for the meal.. so are we gg for coffee next.. i was like WTH....

Real Life Scenario 1
Outing with a bunch of colleagues. When the bill for our drinks is coming, a female exclaimed she needed to go to the powder room. Fine! Looking good means i hanging out with jude babes as well.. Off she went to the loo. The bill came.. Suddenly all male ego went to passe.. All suddenly became pussies.. Well it might be true that we earn abt the same amount with the one who went toilet the most.

Horror Line #1
"Anybody wants to pay first?" Her close friend asked.

Shock Liner of the Year 2006
"I don't have cash on me." Another echoed.

Best No Liner of 2K6
The 4th person went silent and into oblivion.. staring into the non-existent sms in his HP

I stood beside and started tinkin.. WTH.. seow liaos.. tio tok liaos..

I do have cash on me. I will definitely pay for my share I'm not the type that will shirk form paying my share lor.. frenz who know me can echoped this on my behalf. But the bloody pissing thing is I don't want to pay first.

Who knows if these leeches will return it to me.
It may not cost much but i rather keep our acquanitances pure: free from Money.

My word of advise is just dun resort to such tactics.

If I'm going out at night, I'll make sure I have money in my wallet for the cab ride home. I am not a towkay who expects people to fetch me to and fro places. I don't think my friends have the money to afford their own car without worrying the price of petrol.

If they volunteer, it's fine. If it's out of the way. Please, no, thank you. Just drop me off somewhere where i cna get a cab.

Never demand people to send you back when both of you live at opposite sides of the country.

Enuff of my ranting.


1 comment:

None said...

i got a friend, who's considered a good fren/fiend of mine. He works and earn more than i do for so many years. But he's bloody scheming...always jio me out for coffee or something, would offer to pay first, then suggest something more expensive later and expect me to return the favour. Knn right?

When in groups, no girls, would 'ti xiao' about payment, got girls around, 'chiong tao jeng' to pay and be hero. i learn to say no when he jio me out. He sort of get the hint that i dun wanna kanna 'jiah' again. Haaa