December 17, 2006

I've been thinking alot recently over the past couple of weeks about the "miracle of Christmas" that we all talk about every year.. you know how some pple expect to see some miracle to come from God or heavensent... some stuff like that..

But those are not what i m referin to.. What i'm referin to is when God became one of us and He sent His Son to be born to a virgin and to live among us.

I think that trying to wrap our minds around that is next to impossible
(And Addidas actually says Impossible is nothing..haha.. try figuring out this one)but seriously speaking, if God was small enuff; finite enuff for us to understand tangibly,(which i like seriously doubt so lor) and I've talked to a lot of people who say that He should be or else they can't believe in Him, then quite frankly, I don't want to follow God if He's so small and that I've got Him all figured out.

But thankfully that's not the case at all. For all of the mystery surrounding the conception and birth of Christ, I think the bigger question is why God should even care about us in the first place.

Psalm 103:12 has been stuck in my brain for weeks: "As far as the east is from the west, so far has he removed our transgressions from us."

I personally think that it's safe to say the flip-side of this is that as far as the east is from the west--think about this for a moment--that's how far our sin separates us from God. **Ed: Cues in the Waaaahhhhhhh

And what is our own righteousness in God's eyes? Do a little bit of research on the term "filthy rags" from Isaiah 64:6 and you'll see just how disgusting our sin is to God. I won't go into the details regarding the use of the term because it would do nothing to stoke your appetite if you're about to eat--but I guess that's the point: Our sin makes God want to vomit.

But He loves us so much that He sent Jesus. His Only Son.

Does it make your brain explode trying to understand this? And does it fill you with unspeakable appreciation once you grasp what He has done for us, despite us? If it doesn't, then you're dead. I mean it.

Which brings me to my next thought.

As I've been thinking about how much God obviously loves us if He's willing to offer us salvation despite the utter worthlessness of our lives without Him, I wonder how many of us think about this as we're dealing with people who just aren't fun to be around.

Let's face it: There are some people who really make it hard for us to live what we say we believe. Some people are just difficult to deal with, while others go beyond that and do all they can to tell us what they think about Jesus in some of the most unflattering ways. And it can be far too tempting for us to respond to them just the way they respond to us--and this can be a recipe for disaster. Remember what the Word says? We don't fight using the weapons of this world (2 Corinthians 10)--but if we lash out at people who just want to "push our buttons" because we follow Jesus, then we've lost. With this in mind, I've just just foundthis site.. Its, which I hope gets each of us to thinking about how we react when people attack us because of our faith, or even just bother us for no reason at all. Check out this site and ask yourself if you're relying on your own "strength" and "wisdom" or on that which only the Lord can give. I hope it drags you out of your comfort zone and won't let you go back into it.

Ask the Lord to give you opportunities this month to tell others the reason we can celebrate Jesus every day, not just in December because it is Xmas.

Ask Him and He will give you these opportunities.
Have an awesome CHRISTmas.
I will see you guys ard

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