January 11, 2007

Movies I wanna catch

Not in order of preference.. But i already catching Borat this sunday.. with My bestest Buddy/Brother/Punching Bag


this one hor~.. local production..sure funny one
Juz follow lor

this is made in mexico.. heard super gory and super scary.. graphics are damn god i hear
Pan's labyrint

this should be a chick flick.. for the chicks.. but i heard it is good..so will cross my fingers for this one.. but i hate LEO
Blood diamond

Ghostrider.. one of the coolest ever dude in comics.. plus got hot babe to beo

Will smith's an under rated actor.. really... i've always liked his grimaces... or is that his normal look...
pursuit of happiness

okay.. i admit it.. i am a sucker for movies like this
Painted Veil

and these melo-dramatic types too.. makes me tear
happy birthday

this sounds like a good movie .. Hey anything that has the grand old dame on it ought to be good or the secret service will be upon them
The Queen

this i believe is from Malaysia.. the title says so lor...
Cicak Man

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