March 12, 2007

Awe-inspiring Shell Advert

Got this off PJ bloggie... wanna write more on my thots on this advert...

What the world calls being positive is what Christians would term as being faith-filled. Nayyy i not preachin here.. just ranting.. i have not ranted for the longest of time...

This world we all live in ; there are tonnes and tonnes of different pple with different character/personality/manners(ED: I am not refering to TK)... Some pple refer to life as half empty.. Some as half filled.. but to the cynics, Reality bites in and asks what is the motive behind the half filled glass.. what are the hidden agendas.. what do you have to do to earn the other half..

The possibilities of questions are simply endless and inexhaustive... No i am not talking abt cynicism nor pragmatism.. I am talking abt being positive in this negative sad sad world...

The world has certain group of individuals who want to pull others down to their own low levels of inadequacy, insecurities and faithlessness.

Due to their convenient excuse of need, they stray.
Due to their insecurity in their life, they choose to lord over others and make lives an unbearable somalia.
Due to their lack of faithfulness, they chose to blame it on the other half.
Due to their lack of faith in Him, they blame the surroundings and the pple around them.

We must be careful that we do not get sucked into the same realm. This statement applies to everyone out there.

In this world, its either u r with them or not with them.

I for 1; stand on my own moral grounds and say, "Let’s live it up & do life better."

Say No To No!

Below is the advert by Shell
Isn't it high time someone got negative about negativity?
Yes it is.
Look around. The world is full of things that, according to nay-sayers, should never have happened.
And yet "yes."
Yes, continents have been found.
Yes, men have played golf on the moon.
Yes, straw is being turned into bio-fuel to power cars.
Yes, yes, yes.
What does it take to turn no into yes?
Curiosity. An open mind. A willingness to take risk.
And, when the problem seems most insoluble, when the challenge is hardest, when everyone else is shaking their heads, to say: let's go.

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