March 26, 2007

Interesting Comparison by SDP

Here are some interesting comparisons(not done by yours truly..coz i not so smart) in the light of PM Lee’s disclosure on increasing top ministers’ salaries…

Annual salaries of heads of government:

1. Singapore Prime Minister US$1,100,000 (S$1,958,000) a year
2. United States of America President: US$200,000
3. United Kingdom Prime Minister: US$170,556
4. Australia Prime Minister: US$137,060

Annual salaries of Ministers of government:

1. Singapore Minister: US$819,124
2. UK Minister: US$146,2993
3. US Cabinet Secretary: US$157,000

Source: Taken from SDP website


Wow... imagine, if you're a minister of ulu kayu kampong.. u would get USD819,124 annually.. imagine if its tax-free...

kaozz...if it was me, I would buy a big-ass car and trample all over town.. and get loads of henchmen supporters and pay them like 25k SGD a month nothing to suck my ass and carry me ard like some demi-god... ooh.. forgot.. they must pave the way for me too.. to roll the red carpets and make sure everyone is smiling and says "I LOVE YOU" to me.. make sure no door is closed and no one to stand out and complain about my lovely iron hand ruling governance... haha haha

oopz.. too carried away.. i not civil servant... i forgot.. hahahha.. so no way to be minister.. sighhh.. must go join RC liaos...

okay.. been spending my time reading the forums... found tonnes of articles.. woohoo.. but i seriously recommend this particular site which happens to be a Youngpap site.. which claims in its post that a Singaporean Minister is "A platoon with the acumen of Bill Gates, risk appetite of George Soros and the heart of Mother Theresa. "

Kool men.. so with this kind Superhero... we should be making the greeenbacks cowerin in fear of us like we are mightier than the GBP... hahahha.. kool man.. Waitamin.. u mena to say we are like standing 1.6 times lesser of the green back..

this cannot be trueeee **Replays the Star Wars hokkien Version**
bo ko lengggggggggggg

Thsi particular young pap said also "And the compensation? Priceless. Haven’t we all heard this all too often, “Pay Peanuts Get Monkeys". Obviously she din really hear wat certain pple said about peanuts recently.. hahahaha...

below is comic strip i found..


Actually there are tonnes of unrest about this issue in the intarwebs... but seriously do u tink they will arrest us for blogging abt it.. i mean if we were only disagreeing or merely voicing our displeasure about where our paid taxes go ??
I mean if they even bother about listening..

My heart was somehow moved when i saw this.. coz i maybe identified with this..

"In a recent meet the people session, my mum asked for assistance for her dialysis subsidy and medical bills. But her request was rejected because me, the only son and breadwinner, take home $2400. And never did they consider the fact that I am single and still trying to save money for my marriage and etc. All we got was a application for NKF. You really think this MP deserve a million dollar paycheck?"

i felt this is a very real situation for all of us.. the pple who're growing up but caught up in a catch 22 situation.. we have good salaries but we also ended up smack with our parents medical bills and unable to be susidised for anything as our salaries are above wat the Govt views as above national average..

Everyday I see the elderly and mentally-incapacitated trying to selling tissues in coffeeshops, begging on streets on my way to/from work.

Maybe the ministers should think of ways to help these people and instead of thinking of how to raise their own pay.

Hope i not being seditious here...

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