March 28, 2007

Random Thots of An Irrevocable Fool

It’s been a long time since I’ve been out in the rain; out in the rain by choice, i meant.

I had to run an errand, and it had to be done, how terrible is my timing with CCs' due dates. I picked an AXS station which was like million light miles away. Not the one closest to office, but second closest – I felt like i needed the longer walk.(ED: it definitely wasnt me that particular day)

Walking in the rain, the water pouring down in sheets, narrowing my vision with hues of grey. Everything was grey, the blues turned to grey and the greens turned to grey and the yellows OMG turned to grey as well.
All except for one.
Only the reds were red.

I had an umbrella, a big one for a big me. Yet it didn’t keep all the rain off me, mercilessly being whipped by the winds as it was trying to stand tall and strong.
I’m glad it didn’t falter under that immense waves of attacks, I was glad.
I even tried positioning it at an angle to outsmart the tsunami of sorts, only to feel more stings of refreshing-ness on my face and on my elbows.

I realised that the rain was refreshing me.
I felt alive again as i carried on in my weary trudge in this world i am not meant to be in...

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