April 17, 2007

Random Thots after Pattaya

Do I have the gift of discernment? There are many things that I had spot on, don't know whether you can consider that the gift of discernment, or word of knowledge... Usually it is through observation and piecing together known information (to me). Is this considered a supernatural gift or a natural one?

Which can be good in certain ways. But what happens when there is information that was revealed to me that i wished that i will never know about or wished that it isn't true?

Is ignorance really bliss? Not so recently, something was revealed to me that I hope it wasn't true, and that I hope that I don't have the gift of knowledge.

As I have not verified whether this issue is true or not, and it seemed to be quite tough to verify this information, I cannot say I do have the gift of knowledge. I do wish that it is not true, yet I have the nagging feeling that it is true...

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