May 11, 2007

Very Touching MV

I am soo touched...
Cryin in office now....
*sob* *sob*

Chinese Lyrics

愛情就像水晶球 堅固而脆弱

喜怒哀樂共同擁有 不讓遺憾留

Baby~ I still believe 愛可以走過亂流
緊緊握住雙手 一秒就夠

Baby~ I still believe 愛要有夢才會快樂

感覺寒冷時候 我抱你在我胸口
當你淚流的時候 我在這裡不走
愛散發的溫柔 在此刻用心感受
我想和你一起 讓幸福轉動

Baby~ I still believe 愛可以走過亂流
緊緊握住雙手 一秒鐘

Baby~ I still believe 愛有夢才快樂
你和我 到永久

Hanyu Pinyin for PK..heh ...

xie xia mei li de wai ke
tou ming de wo men hai sheng xia shen me?
ai qing jiu xiang shui jing qiu jian gu er cui ruo

yi ge ren ye xu zi you
liang ge ren de gan dong da guo tian kong
xi nu ai le gong tong yong you bu rang yi han liu

Baby~ I still believe ai ke yi zou guo luan liu
jin jin wo zhu shuang shou yi miao jiu gou
bu gu dan ji mo

Baby~ I still believe ai yao you meng cai hui kuai le
jiu suan wei lai de lu bu tong
ni zai wo xin zhong dao yong jiu

gan jue han leng shi hou wo bao ni zai wo xiong kou
dang ni lei liu de shi hou wo zai zhe li bu zou
ai san fa de wen rou zai ci ke yong xin gan shou
wo xiang he ni yi qi rang xing fu zhuan dong

Baby~ I still believe ai ke yi zou guo luan liu
jin jin wo zhu shuang shou yi miao zhong
bu gu dan ji mo

Baby~ I still believe ai you meng cai kuai le
jiu suan wei lai de lu dou bu tong
ni he wo dao yong jiu

English Translation for Nadnut..

shed our outer beauty
what of us is left when we're transparent?
love is like a crystal sphere, solid yet fragile

maybe being alone gives you freedom
but the feelings of two people are greater than the sky
you have happiness as well as sorrow, don't let regret remain

baby I still believe love can make it through the turmoil
tightly hold my hands, one second is enough
to not be lonely

baby I still believe love needs a dream to bring happiness
even if our futures lead to different places
you'll be in my heart forever

when you're cold, I'll hold you to my chest
when your tears fall, i'll be here, I won't go
the gentleness that love gives, experience it diligently now
I want to be with you, let happiness revolve

baby I still believe love can make it through the turmoil
tightly hold my hands, one minute
without loneliness

baby I still believe that only love with a dream can give us happiness
even if our futures lead to different places
you and me, everlasting

Have your tear glands been activated ?

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