May 30, 2010


Its interesting how guys dun let up in a ball game.

Something happened during my basketball game recently.

We were up against a certain group of players all decked out in full jerseys and shoes. We look like a rat tag misfits with a lot of flab and wearing casual shoes and yours truly was barefooted.

1 of their guys started to diss us and showing no respect for the game. Well, at our age, we decide to play our game and let it go. Apparently our defence was quite well played and we managed to hold them off.

Well, in the course of play, it happened. What? I pulled down a ball and its player on his way up.

Next, was a confrontation.

Next, shoves and fists. Another free for all.

Ha ha. Boys will always be boys. No matter what we do from Mons to Fri. It ended with huffing and puffing and a whole lot of shouting.

I remember my 38 year old fren shouting, cannot play, not happy, wanna fight, go back home and play nba live laaaa


I came outta it unbruised. My poor 38 year old has a black eye and a lot of explaining to do when he gets home.
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1 comment:

JayWalk said...

Liew.... just a basketball game play until so serious. Siao one....