The problem with me is this:
I like to stand as close as possible to the line.
The line i see as a mandatory boundary which separates good and evil. Heaven and hell.
I like to peer over and see what it is like, without falling over.
"Experiential" i call it
"Foolish" some call me
I do not understand what goes on in this pea-brain of mine at times.
Why would I throw away such things.. things of value to me and open myself to all sorts of mumbo-jambo.
I have never considered myself a good person. Neither am I a bad one.
I am one of those half-lings. That jack of all trades, master of none.
The empty vessel that seemingly ish full.
My heart-cry cannot be more accurately stated in Psalms 84:10
One day in the courtyards of your Temple is better than a thousand days anywhere else. I would rather be a doorkeeper in the Temple of my God than live in the homes of the wicked.
I am not being emo.
Just wanna express my thots.
Today spells the beginning of me again.
Minus the bad things.
Please bear with me as i disappear into my hole again.
I did it once. I can do it again.
And i will accomplish what I have set out to do
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