October 3, 2010


Been having busy and torrid days at work.

Not due to colleagues or bosses.

Due to stress.

An inert desire to do better and a desire to even better myself.

Bullshit laaa

I just can't fit myself into the new scope and expectations bah.

Feel abit off color and stress that I can't eat and sleep properly.

Thankfully my boss found someone to come in and take some stuff off my plate.
He's quite a nice guy.
Has the gift of the gab. Everything is pretty smooth right now as I m still training him.

Hopefully he will stay. At least for the package. Lolx

Coz he seems pretty distant from this operational role. I do hope he will stay on as I see him as a pretty valuable addition to the team.

Let's call him as gap from now on.


Recently I found out nudeton's shit is pretty extensive.

Oct is audit month.

Lotsa ot again.

Till then.

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