September 2, 2005

What about the little things in Life

Well.. alot of little things make up big things.. or maybe bigger things.. The little things in our lives add up to make us who we are.

And our walk with Christ is made up of following Him and knowing Him and loving Him more and more, and trusting that He will provide our needs with each & every passing day.

As we learn to trust Him in the little things, pretty soon, the big things are no longer a problem, because we've built up a foundation of faithfulness & trust & worship that makes us who we are & that defines us as we follow Him.

And as we are faithful to Him in the little things, He entrusts us with bigger, better, larger things. (Matthew 25:14-30)

I got to thinking about this as I've been watching and reading this week about
the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina often being dubbed as the Tsunami of the West.. Trials & Testings often times bring out who we really are, the best or the worst of us.. just like how my pastor always talk about "the rubber meets the road" & also similliarly as fire refines gold, silver or precious stones--or as it burns up burnt & charred. (1 Cor. 3:10-15)

We've certainly seen some of the worst behavior amidst the violence and looting in New Orleans. But none of this should surprise any of us really, coz the Bible says --that our own righteousness is like filthy rags. (Isaiah 64:6) But we are justified and made righteous through Christ. (Romans 5:9)

In other words, this life isn't about us, but about Him.

The little things that have made up who people are--both good and bad--are
evident as we look at New Orleans and beyond. And only those little things in
our lives that are rooted in Christ will last.

Hence again, the already drawn conclusion.. We are nothing.. Really.. often times we tink we are actually somebody.. an executive, a manager, a leader or even a CFO / CEO...

What is your life being made of?
What are you building with the little things in your life?
Are the little things in our lives building up a solid foundation in Christ? Or will they be burned up and not survive?

I'll admit that I've been rather sad for the pple of states as I've seen scenes of the looting there thru CNN this week, but it actually got me thinking, these people have no clue that what they are taking will not last.

It is just material possesions that will last for maybe 2-3 days... Heck some of them are even goign for luxury items .. these kidn of pple are the worst.. tinkin they can profit from a natural disaster..

I dare say that deep down inside, they are looking for something that will not only survive hurricanes, floods and every earthly disaster, but that will last no matter what.

But can they find it thru material possesions which the bible tells us that will rot and fade away thru time.. Can they..

Are the little things of your life the things of Christ?
Or are they things that won't last?

I hope that the ongoing news coverage of the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina will challenge each of us to look at the little things of our lives and to challenge us to embrace those things of Christ which will last and to get rid of things which will not survive the earthly elements. (Matthew 6:19-20)

Think about the little things.

Last words..

The end of this matter is simple: Follow Christ and be faithful to Him in the little things, and He will trust you and use you in big things.

hee hee ~ macham sounds like Solomon of Ecc... hahaha

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