April 3, 2006

We talk as Christians about the resurrection of Christ, but do we really stop to think of its significance? i mena really stop and ponder and tink and mull over it leh....

I think that too often we make matters of our faith little more than just matter-of-fact, this-is-what-I-believe details but we don't stop to think about the real impact a.k.a "the big picture,"

Let's use an illustration from Matthew 7:24-27 (and also found in Luke 6 coz my bible footnote says so):

"Therefore everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock. The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house; yet it did not fall, because it had its foundation on the rock. But everyone who hears these words of mine and does not put them into practice is like a foolish man who built his house on sand. The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house, and it fell with a great crash."

Jesus is making the point that you can't trust an unstable foundation to keep a building from collapsing. But the flip side of this coin is that if the foundation is rock-solid and won't budge, you can trust it in any situation and can build upon it.

Now enter the so-called case against the resurrection of Jesus.

Skeptics have been saying all kinds of things for nearly 2,000 years: The guards at Jesus' tomb fell asleep and that the disciples stole the body; Jesus only passed out from a loss of blood and was revived in the coolness of the tomb and escaped back into Jerusalem; that Jesus' post-resurrection appearances were merely group hallucinations; and numerous other claims that just don't hold up under scrutiny. (What's the ancient Greek word for "nonsense"?) If the disciples stole Jesus' body, how do you explain their totally changed behavior? If they knew Jesus didn't really rise from the dead, why were they willing to endure so much suffering for a lie? Why would a bunch of fear-stricken individuals who abandoned Jesus at His arrest be willing to face death just days later unless they had seen something which was worth betting their very lives on--unless it was something with the impact and significance of the resurrection--namely the resurrection itself?

Nothing else really makes sense.

At the very least, the changed lives of the disciples then and believers ever since prove that something has happened that can't be explained by human reasoning or wisdom.

Anyone dares to bet it's anything besides the resurrection? The resurrection cannot be refuted by any means.. its real.. though i dun have much time here to blog abt it.. but if u really wanna go into the extent of it, i will set apart my time for u..

I'd like to suggest that at some point between now and Easter that each of us would read 1 Corinthians 15:19, "If only for this life we have hope in Christ, we are to be pitied more than all men."

What's the flip-side of this coin?

That if we can bet our lives on the reality of Christ's resurrection--and we can--then we have more hope than anyone else, a hope that cannot be taken from us because the One we put our hope in has already proven that nothing and nobody can overcome Him and steal our hope.

Anyone who tells you otherwise is just denying the evidence. But denying the evidence doesn't make it go away.

R our lives reflecting this hope? If not, why not?
Are we staying focused on our hope in Christ?
For that matter, if God can raise Jesus from the dead, isn't everything else also lies in His hands? If He can take charge of the main pivotal event in human history--the really big things--can't He even take care of everything else in our lives that aren't nearly as big? Are we holding onto Him as our hope? If not, is what we're holding onto going to last?

Nothing else will last , my fren.. not the latest gadget, not the latest PSP nor Xbox360 nor PDAfone nor laptop... nothing else will last

Take time to check out the evidence God has given us about His love.
Take time to bask in His love and to give it back as freely as He gives it to us. Check out the evidence of the reality of our hope in Christ.
Never let go of it.
But spread it to others like their lives depend on it.
Because they really do.