June 29, 2006


National Development Minister Mah Bow Tan has rejected Mr Chiam See Tong's
request for $80 million in upgrading funds for his Potong Pasir ward.

The Potong Pasir Member of Parliament wrote to Mr Mah last Wednesday
asking how he could get access to the funds for improvement works.

But in his reply to Mr Chiam, which was copied to the media, Mr Mah
explained that the $80-million upgrading package was proposed by People's
Action Party candidate Sitoh Yih Pin as his plan for the constituency if
he was elected.

Since the majority of Potong Pasir voters rejected Mr Sitoh and his plan,
Mr Mah said the issue of funding no longer arises. He added that as Mr
Chiam claimed during the election campaign that his Town Council had
enough funds to do lift upgrading for all the blocks over the next five
years, he should therefore proceed to do so. - Channel NewsAsia

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Read above for MR Chiam's request for the 80 million of taxpayers' money to be used for Potong Pasir Upgrading of LIfts for the people.. And Our beloved ND minister replied saying that the money would only be used if Situ and PAP is elected then (But we all know the results, dunch cha...) WEll.. long story shorten, Situ is not elected and the people of Potong Pasir would have no access to the 80 million.. To further strengthen his case, NB minister said MR Chiam claimed the Town Council's funds is sufficient to do lift upgrading for all the blocks over the next five
years,then he should therefore proceed to do so. Hahahaha.. wat a joke rite.. If PPTC has 80 million, you tink Chiam would ask you for the money meh... hahaha..

Anyways i personally tink who's money are we talking abt here.. the 80million.. I have a few questions..

Is it Singaporean PAP-voters-only money or issit plainly just Singaporeans money.. Are Potong PAsir residents excluded from paying regular taxes which i presume forms part of the 80million...
Does it mean that if potong pasir residents continue to vote for opposition and deny PAP from controlling PP, their flats and turf will be always considered the poorer cousin...

I really have no answers to these Questions.. Perhaps NB minister would have.. Perhaps its time for me to join PPTC since they have 80million worth of funds..

Perhaps Perhaps Perhaps

This isnt a political blog.. just the musings and rantings of an average singaporean who hopes to have a life infront of his door , so that when he is drunk, he dun have stumble across 2 floors and 4 flights of stairways

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