August 23, 2006

Got this off Zhebin, a fellow-forum mate.. interesting blog.. surf his blog sibei long liaos... today wanna feature him...

very interesting chap.. young boy..ex ah beng.. alot of glaring similiarites.. i like the way he writes too..

this is one of his recent posts...


You know during this period of the year, there are two periods this year for those who don't know, it is not a good time to be too imaginative.

Imaginative as in,

1) You sleep halfway and then after the light flickers , you lift up your blanket, you thought you saw somebody/something inside.

2) You walk to the bathroom, and before you enter it, you suddenly realised that it is not the rug you are stepping on. It happens to be a "pool" of hair.

3) You are shitting halfway, then suddenly there's a blackout. Then the same moment a face appears in front of you.

4) You are washing your face at the basin. You look up from the tap and into the mirror you don't just see you.

5) You are reading this then as I finish this sentence, you turn your head to your shoulder and you see a head resting on it.

6) You look under your chair and you see a face looking at you.

7) You want to click the X at the top right hand button and you realised that your mouse has turned into a rotten hand.

Tell me you didn't just look to check

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