August 23, 2006

Honestly it has been awhile since i last blogged about my happenings.. hmmm.. nothing much happened.. apart from the usual drama.. been goign ard blogs.. been reading blogs more than posting blogs.. wanted to find new things to blog.. but still drew blanks... till i received my dad's medical bills..

Its been like a while since i last visited my dad. He's still pretty much ill. so cant talk much. well.. When it comes to him, i am always very very lost.. lost for words & money.. I just cleared off his medical bills.. it turned out to be a whopping sum of money.. Frenz: If you're healthy now, stay that way.. And dementia isnt a major illness according to the classifications of the Hospitals.

Bull shit lor!! Yesh.. it dun threaten the life of the patient nia.. the family members will commit suicide lor...

Insurance companies aso dun cover this aspect.. its time pple start doing sumtin for dementia patients.. not every alzhemier's patient is Ronald Reagan. and neither is every cancer patient LHL..

Welfare policies are the best lor.. you have to earn as a combined household income of below 1200 per mth to qualify.. Wah lau..if i earn that amt, tink my family will really get to eat air lor..

i know i am complaining.. but i am juz appalled at the healthcare susidies and clasifications of major illnesses.. We're a greying nation.. with lesser babies coming.. i tink we should look into more healthcare benefits for citizens.. Afterall, we did our time for nation service and reservist.. we pay our taxes and fines.. we deserve it lor...

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