October 12, 2006

Ramblings of a confused mind..

Stay away if u do not know me well enuff..

Tink recently my mind is confused.. being in constant turmoil over...
Wat to do;
Where to go;
When to speak;

I guess the month of Oct have traditionally always been down & out months for me.. bad time of the year normally..
Always will feel lost..
Always will feel a shade darker..
Always easily swayed by emotions..

In short.. Bad month..

Been tinking a lot of pple… in general.. not juz girls.. also of guys.. Not that I am changing my orientation but more of the pple ard me…

Are they the ones who stay.. or are they another phase.. I want friends who stay.. and genuinely care for me.. I want friends who would give me an encouraging word.. I want friends who would stay with me unconditionally..

Yet will the OOMA supersede my friends.. I doubt so.. I am one who highly values friendship far above and beyond relationships.. But when the crunch comes, will i falter.. will i fall.. i dunno..

I need help..


in the abyss of the unknown future...

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