November 6, 2006

Posting abt Women

Now that the title got ur attention.. i would like to blog about women in my life.. past present & future.. just the different types of women lah...

1) Wah liew......She calls me her brudder!

I think the heading is pretty obvious. Sometimes when a guy is interested in a girl but the girl keep calling him brudder! Well,Personally I'll not court that girl. I don't know about another guys but i hate to hear her say (when i confess my affections to that person) I only treat you as a brudder." So ladies, if you are interested in a guy then don't call him bro, brudder, brother, abang....just call him by his name K!! (women, pls listen to this..coz it is from a guy)(tsk tsk.. its so hard to get the women folk to listen)

2) When the girl is super t'eh (dt'air)

Most girls i come across tells me they will do it cause they like to be pampered or they are simply spoilt. call me biase. ON another note i think its ok but if i interested in a girl. But she cannot be those super t'eh typos, i will peng shan and faint.

Small woman i can take it.
Dependent i can still tahan.
But if super teh, i will peng shan.

Defintely gettin flame for this liao! but still have to say it. I simply dun understand why girls need to talk in a high pitch voice and act all coquettish and naive and innocent?
Is there really a need?
I cannot understand why some girls cannot do it sparingly.
Just be urself lah.
Remember you are in for the long haul and when married i don't everyday you will t'eh your hubby rite? of coz if u r teh by nature and cna teh till u enter 6feet under, fine.. teh for all i care..

3) Dumb-blondes and airheads

Contrary to popular belief, most guys i believe cannot stand their gf being airheads even though they could be very beautiful to behold. Maybe i speak for myself but if the person cannot even hold an interesting conversations with me then what is the use of a beautiful face? I often tell people: A pretty face can only get you so far, in the end its the heart that counts.

This book "life's little instruction book" gives this piece of advice which i think is really wise.

Marry a woman you love to talk to. As you get older, her conversational skills will be as important as any other.

ie: Guys like girls with a good heart and a good functioning brain.
That is what me tinks lah.
Of course some men would beg to differ. (ED: esp Uncle Fong & Seb & n2s)

4) Materialistic girls

I tink all guys simply hate those irls who just plain materialistic. I mean if a girl is with me cause i drive a BMW, wears Armani and is loaded but fugly then she is not worth my time. So don't always talk about LV bags, Feragamo shoes.......These things are not eternal and i don't see how they can help u in ur life. so buying those things are outta the question (ED: nto that i cheapo lah but not worth it mah)

5) Xiao-jie / Xiao Gong Zhu

Girls that are very xiao-jie are also a breed that guys will avoid. I mean everything also must give into her. Wrong also must apologise, Not wrong also must apologise. Relationships like that are very tiring. Might as well remain single. Give and take a bit lah. There is no need to win every argument. Sometimes to win the war you need to lose a few battles. Read Romance of three kindoms and Sun Zi art of war. Apply accordingly.(ED: Correct me if i wrong.. this sounds sooo like TK Haw)

6) Criticise and complain Queen

Well, there are people who likes to critcise and complain about everything and everyone. Isn't it a bit tiring to be with this kind of person. There are just so much negative spirit in the world. Me dun tink we need more from the person we are interested in.

By the way, before i leave, let me say to all moi female frenz who read my blog -- Don't focus on a guy's looks so much.(I.E. look at me) Character should be wat attracts you to him. The brudder may not look like Rain(korean singer and actor) but i believe if he loves you and is of good character then he should be more attractive and would take care of you better than Rain can.

In the same way, I believe dat guys should see character as a firt and utmost pre-requisite in a lady before choosing so that life would be more beareable.

I rest my case.


s t a r m | s t said...

what's t'eh? a couple of ppl said that of me but i dont know what it means. i dont think i speak in a high pitch voice and act conquettish.. =/ damn, i'm t'eh??

None said...

dt'air siah! lol

good article.

Sheena said...

what if it started from brudderhood and something more later on?

shit i think i belong to category 6. you should suggest what type of guys to go with different category of girls.

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