November 1, 2006

Random Inklings of an Inane Mind

I was tinking of alot fo stuff last nite.. ended up sleeping ard 3am.. very tired.. very caught up.. i made a recent commitment for another 3years.. i asked myself whether this road i'm trudging.. where will it lead.. where will it all end.. i'm abit lost in this rat race.. but am i even in the race.. sigh

This song came to mind at about 2 in the morning.. i hummed myself to a good sleep..


Refresh My Heart
By Geoff Bullock

Refresh my heart Lord
Renew my love
Pour Your Spirit into my soul
Refresh my heart
You set me apart Lord
To make me new
By Your Spirit lift me up Lord
Refresh my heart

And I will worship You Lord
With all my heart
And I will follow You Lord
Refresh my heart

©1992 Word Music, Inc. (Admin. by Word Music Group, Inc.)
Maranatha! Music (Admin. by The Copyright Company)
All rights reserved. International copyright secured. CCLI song #917518


was reminded of this post.. not to far off back

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