March 4, 2008

Mas Selamat. The Jam Man

Mas Selamat Kastari, 45, is the terrorist who planned to crash a hijacked plane into Changi Airport in 2002. He is on the loose now, having escaped from detention since 27 Feb 2008.

A massive manhunt involving thousands of policemen and Gurkhas was launched yesterday to hunt him down. Mas Selamat is said to have fled the Internal Security Department’s Whitley Road Dentention Centre at 4.05pm yesterday.

Last friday while venturing up north to JB to have my weekly lok-lok session. I was stuck in my cab for 1.5hrs. simply due to the 100% checking for the Jam Man. I was simply sleeping through the entire ordeal and i heard that some of the lorry drivers at Customs were left waiting for almost 48 hrs.. kaozzz...

Apparently alot of buzz is generated abt this guy... They say he could be disguised

but i guess not much chance of that happening.. with our defense forces out in full force..even mobilizing youths to stand out on streets to give out flyers letting the public know of Mas's looks.

US Got Prison Break....

SG got our Toilet Break

All in all has been said. Well just be careful and look out for him. He might be just behind you

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

jin funny lah.. heh.

- J