July 1, 2008


Nuffnang Singapore is having Apple as their featured advertiser and along with it, they're holding a contest for all Nuffnangers out there!

Their words were:

Fell in love with the latest Apple gadget but have no outlet to express it?

Or are you one who roots for the classics?
RIGHT NOW, you get to win prizes just by expressing your love for APPLE products!
Be it the iPod series, Macbook series or the MIGHTY MOUSE! Let us know, share the love!
The top 3 most creative and innovative posts get to win 3 iPod Touch, each worth over $600!!

So i decided to try my luck at winning an Ipod touch which i have absolutely no use for. coz i have an Ipod Nano already.

Then again Singaporeans all want something free right, so here goes....

I was tinkin of what and how to blog about it... and decided to munch while tinking.. afterall food does give us energy right...

Then suddenly an information came into my head... ...

Guess what ??

Did you know that apples contains 20% air ?
The volume of a ripe apple is about 20% air (that's why they float), and 80% water.

Dun ask me where i got this snippet of information but its the first thing that came to mind upon tinking of how to write this entry on apple.

lolx.... ok.. enuff digressing...

About a year back, i was looking for a ipod to replace my lost ipod nano which was to replace my ipod classic which wasnt called a classic back then...

I was going thru the online stall and i stumbled upon the

Yeshhhh.. it was love at first sight...

My decision process was tough.. heart wrenching

The Headache

My Moment of Weakness

In short, my buying method was , surf, saw, paid.

I was set back in the region of $500 for this 8gig red monster

So there’s abt all for my Red iPod Nano whom i aptly named it as Red Love …
So what u folks are still waiting for? Go get ur Apple now!

Head down to http://store.apple.com/sg/ and check out their latest deal!

PS: i ish waiting for iPhone release.
**cues Green Day song "Wake me up when September Ends."**

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